

There is both air and ground transportation from Lima to the Central Section of Perú.



Peruvian Airlines and LATAM offer two flights/day from Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima to Jauja. While the flight is only 30 minutes, travelers must be at the airport two hours beforehand, and the transportation from Miraflores to the airport usually takes more than an hour. At the time of this writing in mid-2018 Peruvian Airlines ( costs about $50.00 and LATAM ( is about $100.00.

For travelers who stay overnight in Miraflores before boarding a flight, there is both taxi and bus transportation to and from the airport. The bus service, Airport Express (, is much less expensive for a solo traveler but more difficult to find. A counter in the airport sells fares, or passengers may pay when boarding the bus. 

Upon arrival at Jauja Regional Airport there is ground transportation to Tarma by colectivo. The trip takes an hour and one-half and the rate should be approximately S/15.00 per person. Caution: colectivodrivers may attempt to overcharge international tourists!

From Tarma there is bus, colectivo and combi service to La Merced with a prior stop in San Ramón. The bus service leaves from the terminal in downtown Tarma; the colectivo and combi service leaves from the stadium on the highway to San Ramón. Tourists may take a moto taxi from any location in Tarma to either the terminal or the stadium. The combi and bus cost approximately S/10.00, and the colectivo S/15.00. From the terminal in La Merced both colectivos and combis provide transportation to either Villa Rica or Oxapampa.




Taking ground transportation is a little more complicated, but more rewarding than air. The trip from Lima to Tarma on a two-lane highway takes 6-8 hours, depending on the weather, political demonstrations and strikes, but the scenery makes the trip worthwhile. If you are alert, you may see high elevation species, like the Chilean Flamingo, Andean Gull or Andean Flicker. Early in the morning or late in the afternoon the vicuña come down from the mountains to feed, and the mountains, some of which are snow-capped, are spectacular.  The high point of the trip in elevation is Ticclio (4800 meters) so be prepared for altitude sickness. (The drug stores in Lima sell medication for Sorroche.)

Finding the bus station in Lima involves taxi or bus. A taxi will take tourists from Miraflores to the Móvil  or Cruz del Sur bus stations on Avenida Javier Prado for S/20.00. You may also take the Bus Metropolitano on the Vía Expresa once you purchase a card at one of the bus stops. The cost of a bus is approximately S/1.50, more than one person can use the same card, and staff are on site to assist the tourists. The automobile traffic in Lima is frustratingly slow, so this bus has that advantage. Get off at the Javier Prado stop, and walk two blocks east to the bus stations for Cruz del Sur and Movil Tours. Molina leaves from the Gran Terminal Terrestre Plaza Norte Lima, Avenida Tupac Amaru # 6895.

Travelers must arrive 20-30 minutes before departure. The three major bus companies are Cruz del Sur, Movil Tours and Molina Bus. Normally there are two prices, usually around S/50.00 to S/75.00, and the buses usually have two levels. Seats on the upper level and the seats on the left afford the best view going to the interior of the country. Molina Bus and Movil Tour offer direct service to Villa Rica.  

Buses leave either early in the morning for an all-day trip or late in the evening. There is no scenery on the night trip, but many Peruvians prefer the night trip and are accustomed to sleeping from the time the bus departs from the terminal. The day trips leave around 8:00 am, and arrive six to eight hours later in Tarma, San Ramón, La Merced, Villa Rica or Oxapampa.